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Structeezy Changelog

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v1.8.2 (2024-05-17)


  • alpine: new alpine components
    • Back To Top: Appears when the user scrolls down the page, scrolls smoothly to the top of the page when clicked.
    • Context Menu: A context menu that appears when right-clicking on a target area.
    • Slider: A clean and simple slider with a few slides.
    • Tooltip: A simple tooltip that appears when hovering over an element.
  • editor: Extend Bricks repeater ccontrol logic to label Directives repeater items with a directive + value + modifiers string for enhanced clarity

v1.8.1 (2024-05-08)


  • compatibility with Bricks 1.9.8
  • patch: compatibility with Bricks 1.9.8 new key attribute value syntax
  • styles: aspect of the settings tab icon
  • elements: php warning when reading empty text content for the element
  • parser: add feedback message when an error occurs during parsing and the structure is not generated
  • react: adjust props on select element to avoid console warning
  • panel: minor cosmetic adjustments to the panel tab button styles (consistent radius and padding)


  • builder: code cleanup


  • builder-app: refactor reading from the store for enhanced React performance
  • state: better interaction between sez and brx apps

v1.8.0 (2024-05-06)


  • alpine: New Alpine PM packages manager custom element
  • alpine: New Alpine multipurpose custom element
  • parser: You can parse html cote to the new alpine custom element by prefixing html tags with x-
    • <div> will create a Bricks div element
    • <x-div> will create a Custom Alpine element with a rendered tag of div


  • parser: Color highlighting problems appeared in v1.7

v1.7.0 (2024-04-26)


  • alpine: Add Alpinejs support to Structeezy
  • parser: Alpinejs directives and magics attributes are parsed and converted to attributes on Bricks elements
  • alpine: A new tab in the panel to insert Alpinejs elements.
  • admin: Ability to disable specific groups so they are not loaded in Structeezy panel


  • nav: fix typos
  • structures: Update default button classes
  • state: Update bricks element model to latest
  • parser: the code html element was treated as an inline element, therefore it needed a parent otherwise an error was triggered. It now generates its own Bricks element when parsed
  • math: improper custom tag for the mtable element is fixed
  • math: add f and d as primitives


  • all: bump all dependencies to latest version

v1.6.1 (2024-03-20)


  • MathML: improves the formula building experience by including pre-defined tokens for the most common variables, constants, separators and operators.


  • MathML: Corrected improper custom tag when inserting a mtable MathML element

v1.6.0 (2024-03-18)


  • math: added support for MathML:
    • specific Tab including MathML elements and examples
    • code parser can convert MathML code to Bricks elements


  • Minor fixes and imrovements


  • Bump dependencies to latest versions

v1.5.0 (2024-03-06)


  • settings: ability to change the default panel tab in the editor from the panel settings tab
  • parser: ability to strip element ids when parsing html code
  • parser: implements #13 ability to opt-out of including the tag when parsing html code


  • admin: fix #9 where after selecting a different CSS framework in the admin, the presets were updated in the database but not immediately visible on the page

v1.4.0 (2024-02-29)


  • hero: new hero zero pattern (simple centered hero)


  • parser: fix code highlighting problems with @codemirror/view”: 6.24.x
  • loader: more efficient app loader in admin area
  • styles: conflicting styles with bricks css in editor


  • deps: bump dependencies and fix color highlighting in parser editor

v1.3.1 (2024-02-23)


  • patch: update patch to fix compatibility issues with Bricks v1.9.6.1 preventing the attributes to be rendered in the editor canvas (For examples, SVGs structures were not visible in the editor).
  • wp cli: fix typo in success message when activating license.
  • styles: multiple style fixes including panel toolbar buttons.


  • chores: code cleanup and minor performances improvements.

v1.3.0 (2024-02-09)


  • CLI: add CLI API to Structeezy and create license activation and deactivation commands.


  • Styles: Fix notifications styles in admin and improve notifications styles in builder.


  • minor performance improvements.
  • continue convergence with WordPress core dependencies.

v1.2.4 (2024-01-29)


  • settings: ability to update some options from the editor
  • parser: add option to automatically clear the parser code editor after parsing and injecting a structure
  • style: visual improvements.


  • editor: fix z-index priority with Advanced Themer when undocking the structure panel.

v1.2.3 (2024-01-27)


  • parser: Add feature to clear code from the editor


  • parser: no random ID in label and on-demand label. now style and script tags are rendered as bricks code elements instead of plain text
  • parser: image parser when tag img not image element
  • structures-processor: no limits to the number of possible unique ids

v1.2.2 (2024-01-24)


  • keyboard-shortcuts: keyboard shortcuts triggering unexpectedly when inside the code editor
  • parser: better structure output with various configuration of text content mixed with children elements
  • parser: parser now supports all bricks native elements and third party elements
  • parser: fix bricks generating a heading inside itself in the editor when using custom tags
  • parser: converts img tags to Bricks Image Element
  • parser: Persist the initial state of the “Strip Classes” option
  • parser: update list of inline tags to be inserted as inline text content instead of creating nodes in the structure tree/
  • structures: typo in element tooltip
  • styles: small layout shift when entering long text in Parser code editor


  • svg: improve default state of attributes the svg use element

v1.2.1 (2024-01-22)


  • frameworks: fix issue #12 - following 1.2 release - calling get_plugin() was causing a php error in some environments
  • parser: extend the list of inline tags to be rendered as element text content


  • tgpm: modernize php syntax

v1.2.0 (2024-01-22)


  • Iconify Integration: Integrates with the Iconify API to allow searching and inserting icons from a huge list of icon sets.
  • Iconify Parser: Structeezy can parse the svg code received from the Iconify API and create a Bricks structure from it.
  • Structeezy Window: Refactor of the structure menu window.
    • Docking: Add ability to dock the structure menu at the bottom right angle of the editor.
    • Dragging: The dragging handle is now at the top with a better behavior.
  • Code Parser: Structeezy now parses SVG and HTML code and creates a Bricks structure from it you can:
    • Write: write standard html or svg code in the editor, Structeezy will parse it and create a Bricks structure from it.
    • Use Emmet: save even more time by using Emmet to write your html code.
    • Paste any html: if you found an html structure you like somewhere on the internet, copy the source html and paste it in the parser. Structeezy will convert it to a Bricks structure so you can start on good rails.


  • structuremenu: Structure menu dragging now works smoothly even when the cursor escapes the drag handle
  • injection: better structure injection management for complex structures.
  • frameworks: don’t suggest oxyprops-lite anymore if one of the known frameworks is already installed
  • styles: fix some buttons and texts styles


  • codebase: code cleanup and several performance improvements.

v1.1.0 (2023-11-14)


  • svg: added svg elements, filters and examples
  • scrollDriven: add cover flow pattern
  • structures: add option for picture element with random image placeholder


  • svg: move turbulence example to examples category
  • svg: optimize default attributes
  • css: standardize logical properties
  • patterns: typo in structure label


  • svg: refactor root svg default attributes for better usability
  • sass: prepare for future deprecation of / division coming in Dart Sass 2.0.0
  • structures: convert to logical properties

v1.0.0 (2023-11-09)


  • Structures: add css scroll driven animation based structures available in the Patterns tab.
  • Structures: add set of elements, filters, examples and features to allow building SVG structures visually inside Bricks editor resulting in inline SVG code.
  • Bricks Patch: patch bricks to render user defined attributes in editor canvas. This patch will stay until Bricks team add this feature to their core.
  • #6 Clipboard: clipboard is now restored to its initial content after injecting a structure


  • #4 bug happening sometimes when creating multiple keyboard shortcuts for a single action
  • #7 structure injection keyboard shortcuts now only trigger if not inside a text input or a textarea


  • AdminApp: add debounce hooks to settings inputs to optimize calls to local storage and database.


  • package manager: moved from pnpm to bun

v0.4.0 (2023-08-04)


  • OxyProps (BricksProps) user get a specific group when OxyProps is active ans set as the default Framework to use OP custom elements
  • New structure manager in the plugin dashboard to manage custom structures categories and structures (show, hide, renale, delete, modify tooltip.)
  • Add ability to modify default UI keyboard shortcuts for opening and expanding panels
  • Add keyboard shortcuts for saving structures or the whole tree
  • Add keyboard shortcuts for inserting most common elements (section, container, div, block, paragraph, headings, link.)
  • In semantic group, a section + container combo with associated html tags.

v0.3.0 (2023-07-30)


  • css frameworks: oxyprops integration.


  • php: fix default inline css call
  • semantic: fix tex list items default text

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v0.2.1 (2023-07-28) - First public release


  • i18n: Available in English and fully translated to French.

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