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MathML Script and Limit

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This category contains the script and limit elements for MathML. These elements will allow you to achieve typical mathematical notations.

Multiscripts - <mmultiscripts> Element

The <mmultiscripts> element in MathML is used to specify multiple superscripts and subscripts for a single base element. It allows for more complex notation involving multiple indices or exponents, commonly found in mathematical expressions involving tensors, matrices, or other mathematical structures.

Syntax and Usage

The <mmultiscripts> element can contain various child elements to specify the base, prescripts, and postscripts. Here’s a basic structure:

<!-- Prescripts and postscripts go here -->

Within the <mmultiscripts> element, you can specify the base element using any valid MathML element (such as <mi>, <mo>, etc.). Additionally, you can include <mprescripts> and <msuperscript>, <msubscript>, and <mmultiscripts> elements to define prescripts (superscripts before the base), superscripts, and subscripts, respectively.

Example Usage

Here’s an example of using <mmultiscripts> to represent a tensor: Tiklabc

<mn>T<mn> <!-- the base -->
<mi>i</mi> <!-- sub-script 1 -->
<mrow></mrow> <!-- represent absent scripts -->
<mi>k</mi> <!-- sub-script 2 -->
<mi>l</mi> <!-- super-script 2 -->
<mprescripts />
<mrow></mrow> <!-- represent absent scripts -->
<mi>a</mi> <!-- pre-super-script 1 -->
<mi>b</mi> <!-- pre-sub-script 2 -->
<mi>c</mi> <!-- pre-super-script 2 -->

In this example, the <mmultiscripts> element is used to represent a tensor T with multiple subscripts and superscripts. The base element is represented by the <mi> element with the content T. The subscripts and superscripts are specified using the <mi> elements with the content i, k, and l. The <mprescripts> element is used to indicate that there are prescripts in this case.

Over - <mover> Element

The <mover> element in MathML is used to represent expressions with a single overscript. This could be a variable with a bar (commonly used to represent a vector), a variable with a tilde (often used to represent a complex conjugate), or any other expression with an overscript.

Syntax and Usage

The <mover> element has two child elements: the base and the overscript.

<!-- Base element -->
<!-- Overscript element -->

Here’s an example of how you might represent a vector v using the <mover> element:

<mi>v</mi> <!-- Base element -->
<mo>&rarr;</mo> <!-- Overscript element (a right arrow) -->

In this example, <mi>v</mi> represents the base element (the variable v), and <mo>&rarr;</mo> represents the overscript (a right arrow ). Together, they represent the vector v.